The Gifts of Imperfection

“Let go of who you think you are supposed to be and embrace who you are.”"

This powerful and inspiring book is about cultivating courage, compassion, and connection by embracing our imperfections. I suggest everyone read this book as you embark on the journey of self-acceptance and self-love. We are part of a culture that encourages perfectionism, performance, and pleasing which lead us all to believe that we are somehow not enough and unworthy. Brene Brown is a researcher and amazing storyteller and she shares with us what she believes it takes to live“wholeheartedly”. No matter how much we get done in a day and how much we have left undone, we are enough. We can be brave and afraid at the same time. Our common humanity and messiness is a cause for celebration and the path to wholehearted living. When I can accept my own imperfections and learn to love them, then I can accept yours.

Julie Fischer