
 I understand that Julie Fischer has been trained as a coach and provides individual coaching, group coaching, workshops and facilitation for the purpose of guiding people in personal growth, self-awareness, goal setting and helping people move from where they are to where they want to be. She is not a licensed clinical therapist or counselor and does not provide clinical services. Julie draws her knowledge from ongoing professional development, eastern and western spiritual teachings, trainings in coaching and Positive Psychology, as well as her own life experiences. Coaching isn’t designed to “fix” anything. I believe that we are all meant to evolve and grow and I have within me all I need to achieve my goals and co-create the life I desire.

Coaching Commitments:

Client’s Commitment:

  1. Embrace personal growth, especially when it is uncomfortable.

  2. Show up to each session fully present, vulnerable and without distractions.

  3. Be honest and transparent with yourself and your coach.

  4. Honor commitments as best as possible.

Julie’s Commitment:

  1. Show up to every session fully present, vulnerable and without distractions.

  2. Always be completely honest and transparent.

  3. Keep content of session completely confidential, unless there is a threat of self-harm or harm to others.

I hereby waive all rights to claims for loss or damage arising from participation in a class/workshop or coaching against Julie Fischer, Mission Advancement Partners (the parent company of My Soul Coaching), as a condition of my participation in this class or coaching relationship.

I acknowledge that my contact information will be used by My Soul Coaching only and not shared with any external parties.