Moving from Scarcity to Abundance


We have all experienced moments in our lives where we wanted something we didn’t have.  This can be a new bag, a loving partner, a promotion at work or feeling confident. For most of us, this is part of life.  Our lives will ebb and flow with times of fullness and richness and times where we are feeling a lacking. When we feel scarcity, we feel ourselves wanting for things that seem unattainable. 


When the lens with which we view life comes from a place of scarcity, the energy that we bring to the people and situations we encounter tend to be filled with doubt, negativity, judgement and insecurity.  Think about what happens to a garden when there is a drought.  When water is scarce, nothing can grow.  The same is true for us.  Because the way we feel about ourselves is directly related to what we are able to manifest for ourselves. When we look at the world from a place of lacking, it is almost impossible to create a life filled with abundant possibilities.


Most of us who live in a desert of scarcity come to this place from wounds, beliefs and experiences from childhood.  A need that we had was not met and that separated us from our truth, where there is an abundance of love, safety, compassion and blessings. Scarcity comes from a place of “I’m not”; I’m not worthy, enough, or lovable etc.  Abundance comes from a place of “I am” and “I can”; I am worthy, compassionate, loving and I can manifest, create etc.  The more we can see the blessings in our lives and the more we believe that we can create the life we want to live, the more abundant we feel.


If you feel a sense of scarcity, know that the path to finding abundance is inside of you.  Awareness is the first step.  Begin to notice and perhaps journal when you feel a sense of scarcity. Do you experience physical changes? What the voice in your head telling you?  How might you change that conversation?  What would re-framing that perspective look like?


Today, can you begin by telling yourself “I am brilliant and brave and I will create the life I desire.”? 


If you would like to explore manifesting an abundant life, join me for the next Soul Awakening Workshop. Together, we will uncover a path to abundance.


In Peace and Gratitude,



MindsetJulie Fischer