Living Fully

What does it mean to “have it all”?  Society defines success through financial wealth and professional achievement yet living fully has to do with achieving what matters most to you as an individual and at a deeper level than what people see on the outside. When we live fully, on our own terms, we are loving our careers, and we are also deriving fulfillment from the way we live.  We are engaging in life-affirming, generous and compassionate behaviors and that begins with the beliefs we hold about our ability to manifest the life that we want.


Do you want to live more fully?  Here are some thoughts.


1.     Check in with the voice in your head to see what kind of conversation you are having.  That voice needs to be saying “You’ve got this” and “You can do hard things.”


2.     Are you connected to the bravest part of your soul that takes action toward the vision you have for your life?  Once you believe you can do the things you want, what actions are you taking to make them a reality?  Journal, set goals and hold yourself accountable.  Share your vision with a trusted confident and ask them to help you hold yourself accountable!


3.     Expect challenges and go with the flow when rough waters arise. Many of the things that will bring us the greatest joy are not going to simply sail into our lives.  Those hurdles are always there to teach us something.  Embrace the lessons.  Breathe. You are a victor, not a victim.


4.     Invest in yourself. Spend time, money and effort on whatever it is going to take for you to manifest the life you want. You are the only person who can make this happen. Consider meditation, finding a mentor, reading books, taking classes or hiring a coach. Your investments will pay off!


5.     Set Boundaries.  Remember what matters and stay focused on your priorities, values and vision.  If the people around you don’t share your vision, be sure to let them know what is important to you and say “no” to things that will set you back or get you off track.


You have the power to create the life you want. Keep checking in with yourself and stay resourceful, curious and inspired!


Peace and gratitude,

