The Four Agreements

“Whatever happens around you, don't take it personally... Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.”

I have begun each of the last three years by reading this wisdom-filled “little” book. Based on ancient Toltec teachings, these Four Agreements are meant to be adopted as a way of life.

First Agreement: Be impeccable with your word.

This agreement is about telling the truth, to yourself and to others. The word is not an instrument to do harm.

Second Agreement: Don’t take anything personally.

This chapter is about knowing yourself and understanding that when we take things personally, it is because we believe those negative words. When you accept yourself, you no longer seek acceptance from others.

Third Agreement: Don’t make assumptions.

You are unable to read someone else’s mind and they are unable to read yours. When we make assumptions, we get caught in all sorts of stories about ourselves and others. Learn to look and listen without judgment.

Fourth Agreement: Always do your best.

Doing your best changes from moment to moment. When we accept that, we let go of judgment of ourselves and others.

The Toltec path to spiritual freedom is about breaking old agreements that include blame and judgment and embracing freedom through forgiveness and self-acceptance.

Julie Fischer